Services that add value
Your business isn’t just making widgets—it’s an integrated, 360° enterprise, designed for ongoing efficiency and improvement. That’s why Colinas de San Luis looked at the details and amenities that add value to what you do.
Our thinking about the big picture—an efficient, durable and attractive workplace, plus great quality of life when work is through—keeps your business
and your teams competitive, now and in the long-term.
Choose to leverage Colinas de San Luis parent company Lintel’s design-build intelligence for incredible efficiencies and considerable savings. Our more than 30 years’ experience in industrial design/build, expert teams, and know-how gathered at 250 successful developments throughout.
Mexico streamline every aspect of your project via “one-stop-shop” site preparation, solutions engineering, building, troubleshooting and ongoing maintenance. Building with Lintel gets you up and running sooner, with a focus on solutions —not surprises. You come in on time, not a penny over budget.